Character Relationships
So, we all know that over the course of the game, CR forms/changes/blossoms/IS BORN, or whatever purple prose words you want to use to describe it. And that we are all horribly, horribly lazy and hate to update our CR charts until eight months later when you realize oh shit this is eight months old.
This is the CHARACTER
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To a degree, what are gods? This is still something Sakura doesn't think about too much, because "gods" aren't part of the belief system of Konoha (WILL OF FIIIIIIRE being the reigning ideal). She does find that Ammy has her heart in a place she can mostly call right, engaging in playful displays and being protective of the people and animals under her care. She's polite, and this in turn prompts Sakura into continuing to be polite in return. She is fond of Ammy, but wary, for the same reason she's wary of Aphrodite and anyone else claiming to be a "god." They may not need or have her belief or worship or anything close to that, but they are powerful and not entirely comprehensible. (Aphrodite is the one who shoved this through her skull, so it does come from there for a large part.)
She does think Ammy is largely trustworthy in getting things done and working with people; she's interested in charity, she's active in the community, and she is actively choosing to improve people's lives. All of these are things Sakura admires and respects, so she feels those things toward Amaterasu as well.
KORO: Sweet big wolfy that is wonderful! Koro has a pretty simple thought process, once she likes someone. They're good people she'd be willing to try and stand up for! The fact she's a dog who gets scared due to life experiences... well, she's trying to be braver. Koro admires Amaterasu, an presuming she's seen her in a transformed state, totally won't get it. But it's all adoration and joy, as Ammy has given her no reason to be afraid of her in the least.
NAOMI: Overall, a woman working for her own purposes, but not ones that run counter to the general well being of the ship. Yes, she was involved in that horrible disease that mostly got handled while Sakura was off ship, but that in part was a later read-up to go, "She cleaned the mess up, we'll see if anything like that happens again." That Naomi is capable at what she does goes without saying, and Sakura has respect for that fact. She also appreciates Naomi having volunteered her time and services in regards to the Clinic; anything deeper I'd say requires more talking between the two of them, as in Sakura's eyes it's been mostly biznaz!
LKAHFALKJ Awwwe Koro...
Yea, that's pretty much Naomi. She's still willing to help people like in the doctor's code, but she's another one paranoid of everyone around her.
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