Nov 12, 2010 23:27
why yes i posted no more than an hour and 15 minutes ago what of it THIS IS A SPAM COMMUNITY FOR A REASON GUYS OKAY man i am so obnoxious after eating chocolate sob
AFTER SUCCESSFULLY INVADING SOMEONE ELSE'S CHAT (unless it was one of you guys in which case HELLO PERSON WHOSE AIM I CLEARLY DON'T KNOW YET I'M SORRY I GOT SCARED AND IGNORED YOU) i have decided something very important. what with the coming LJ MAINTENANCE BREAK AGAIN FUCK YOU LJ i am going to amuse myself by hosting a chat
anyone who wants in say 'i' and leave your aim sn hanging around somewhere. that, or you can invite yourself whenever you're ready to, chat name being:
or get some other jerk to do it for you. or aim me at loveslostlabours and get this specific jerk here to do it for you. or whatever. any questions, come and punch me in the face.
watch me fall asleep two seconds after this thing gets interesting
gee didn't get enough attention as a chi,
chat anyone,
why gee why