- Fill out the form.
- Just fill out the form.
- I want deets. Fill out the form.
- Please? LJ is being a boner. Let's get back in the game.
- Get your head in the game! -Zac Efron
- Also, I am here now. Yes, I am. See you with the next list in January.
Character Name:
Shipanon, natch
Your Crack Ships for this Character:
I hear Kakashi's single
Your Ships for this Character that Might Be Happening:
Ships that Happened, Yo:
Assorted Logs + Threads + Deets + Passionate Explaining If You Feel Like It:
I don't need to prove my love. Geez...
If Forever Alone, Explain Plz:
Never alone. 8)
Character Name:
oh look answers
Your Crack Ships for this Character:
oh look answers
Your Ships for this Character that Might Be Happening:
oh look answers
Ships that Happened, Yo:
oh look answers
Assorted Logs + Threads + Deets + Passionate Explaining If You Feel Like It:
oh look answers
If Forever Alone, Explain Plz:
oh look answers