Thank you!!! :D

Apr 13, 2011 19:34

I'm completely thrilled with the birthday messages, pics, even a vgift (WHEEEEE!!! Thanks, chamekke!! \O/ ♥) that I just found waiting for me. Hopefully I'll manage to comment individually on each one, but as you know I'm a bit hit and miss with how much I'm around these days, and I didn't want anyone to be left thinking I'm not absolutely chuffed to bits. Deep love to each and every one of you. *massive group hug*

I spent the day/night in the Cotswolds. Went to Bourton on the Water model village, which I've been meaning to do for ages, and it really was a thing of beauty. (Recursion ftw!!!!)

Then spent the night in Gloucester - in a 15th century hotel that Lady Jane Grey was in when her accession to the throne was announced. In her rooms, in fact - the most massive family room I've ever seen.

And then we spent the morning in Gloucester Cathedral. HARRY POTTER CENTRAL! Seriously, I totally fangirled my way round the cloisters (twice) with my 9 year old son, and we just spent the whole time trying to pretend we were there for the religious history of the place any time an old person approached us, and failing miserably every time we saw a doorway we recognised (which was all the damn time!) And then we found Edward II, and I'm delighted to report that my boy fangirled him just as hard!

Anyway, yeah, good day. Made all the better by coming home to such lovely messages on here.

Not to mention a very interesting kink/squick meme that I'm off to have a closer look at.

squee, stuff, my flist is awesome

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