french vanilla and brown beans...

Mar 13, 2005 14:13

Shot put has taken over my life.


Now that i've explained that...

So I've pretty much been shotputting lately. I have practice after school, then I get home where I look up shot put shoes and join shot put communities and then I watch shot put videos with my dad and then i go to sleep and think about shot put. It's really bad. I don't really understand WHY i would EVER like such a random sport, but why i would become OBSESSED with it. I want to throw it all the time and I don't care about running even though it makes me feel good because it takes up valuable throwing time. I have turned into a loser and all of the high jumpers agree.

We only got to throw at practice 2 times last week. We threw on monday and I was still sucking and hardly breaking 20'. Tuesday was so freaking cold I couldnt even hold the ball so we went and lifted. Thursday we were SUPPOSED to do field, but Abdulah has decided to screw us all. He doesnt stretch or do the drills and Till FREAKS out when you don't do the drills. So he told us in 7 days if Abdulah wasn't doing his drills we would be doing 400's of the drills instead od 10's. Then afterwards when we were about to go to our field areas Till goes, "Hey, let's go to the bleachers!" And so we did 5 sets of bleachers, sprints, hops, leaps, hops, sprints, then piggy back rides, and that wasnt easy because i was carrying Becca freaking Clugston, who kept slipping down my back and I was holding her up by her pants. But when i got to ride on her back was nice. Then we had a 15 minute run. YIPPPEE. So i mean, it could have been worse, but we were still supposed to throw. Instead we threw on Friday. Patrick has to get surgery in 2 weeks, so he helped me out instead of throwing. He was AMAZING. I def improved by around 3-4 feet and wa throing about 22-23. Becca is of course beast and was throwing like 26 even when her form sucks. So we FINALLY got out of practice and I went home.

Mimi came over and she looked online for like, toffee recipes for a really long time. Then we like, went upstairs and pretty much ate everything until my parents came home. Which meant my mom made more food and we ate more. After din din, Magz decided it would be FUNNY if she went upstairs and pulled out the embarassing book that I thought I was gonna write in 6th grade. I dont know if i've told yall yet, but i was THE biggest loser EVER in 6th grade. I won't describe it but i was AWFUL. I was pittied and I were really bad clothes and i cried alot. So we had this bad time where I screamed and took the book and hid int eh bathroom while magz and mimi beat on the door trying to make me come out. So i finally did and mimi read the book during the commercials of the OC. Which by the way was good, but not nearly as good as I had hoped. Mimi finally fell asleep and much to maggie's unhappiness quit reading the book. So after the OC we went upstairs and mimi made toffee and talked with my mom because they're bffz and then we ate the toffee and went upstairs, where instead of letting me sleep, mimi whined and got angry at me for having bad advice. it was sad because the things she was whining about were reeally tragic, but i was half asleep and couldnt really answer so she would hit me.

So we/mimi woke up in the morning and she proceeded to bounce around getting excited too easily and then we ate alot of cookies. and toffee. and then she left with my mom for her lacrosse practice and I decided to go outside and throw. First I watched some of the movies that came in the mail from my mom's friend whose daughter can throw shot 48'. Movies entitled "Come to Shot Put Practice!" and "Come to Discus Practice" and "Come to Javelin Practice!" Javelin looks so hot but its berry berry illegal in virginia and its very tragic. The video got boring after a while so i set up music outside and went out and threw. I improved by about 3 feet after my dad showed me some jump thing, so we measured and my best throw was 26'4" and i was averaging about 24'-25'. Wow I'm such a loser and i ahve been rambling abotu shot put...

So after a while I had to go inside and like, shower for band. So i went to band and got my forn and got on the bus and talked to rosie. we talked about the TRIP TO DISNEY in 4 days!!! and about what we were gonna wear and what snacks to bring. Then rosie decided to inform me that she's going to bring alcohol on the i didnt really know what to think. I mean, I dont actually care because I don't care about drinking, it's more that it's the BAND TRIP and part of me, a very tiny part, says DONT DO THAT IT'S THE BAND TRIP ITS STUPID and the bigger part says HAHAHAHAH BAND TRIP HAHAAHAHA. so i guess we are gonna drink on the band trip. She said she's not gonna bring alot, just enough for us to get a little tipsy, but i had to explain to her that pretty much anything gets me drunk. and so we're really rebels.Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? please tell...

So we got to CHS and molly rosie amelia and I all started naming everyone. We already ahd our names, Me- tina, Molly- Sharon, Rosie- Edna, Amelia- Buckley Aaron is jasper and Kelly Robinson is Fritz. So yeah we thought of more and watched Andrew and Brenna cuddle and then i borrowed money from andrew and went and got a hot dog and a honey bun. We finally had to play and I think we were good but i don't know what we got yet and I'm not really scared. then we had sight reading which always sucks but I loooooooooooove staring at all of CHS's awards in the band room. because thats pretty much all it is. awards. So we finally finished and I had to call my parents who decided to forget about me and band festival and that they would EVER have to pick me up so i had to ride the bus back where I slept. So i got home and decided to be an bitch to them because they FORGOT me and then i slept some more. Then i got up and ate alot of pizza and watched shot put videos with my dad and got online and joined shot put communities on live journal and my space and looked at more shot put shoes and finally went to sleep. well went to my room and read. then went to sleep. wooooooo.

that was a really dumb post. and i started out trying to have good capitalizzation but that DIED. and i just want to go throw my shot put. but we have a freaking WORKOUT at track tomorrow and it should be hell. I forgot to talk about peer mediation on friday but that's because it was really weird, i had really annoying giggly girls and dumb guys in my group, and molly was being a bitch to impress meg. whatEVER. so I am gonna go read and sit in my room and throw the shot put at some point. I love shot put. and i will make all of you go to my track meets. suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuriosuly.


tech tour '05 bias!!!!

hottttie shot put shoes. yes or no?
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