Jan 19, 2008 16:44
So while I love my Resident Heads, I feel as though this needed to be said:
Sometimes, I feel as though the RHs act more as chaperones--in terms of how they treat some housemates-- than as equal adults. I'm not complaining of them being "buzzkills" or anything but honestly there are times where I feel constantly watched and reprimanded for behavior that should surprise no one in a young college student. In particular, I have noticed the tendency to "prowl about" in the hallways--an activity which is *solely* relegated to weekend nights, and fools no one--makes me feel like my friends and I are not to be trusted, which subsequently decreases my enjoyment of house life.
I feel as though RHs should be there to help you through times when you make mistakes and learn from them. They should be equals, there for you if they need them, but not all up in your grill if you don't. My own parents don't observe my behavior this closely.
I understand that parties and noise levels have a tendency to run out of control, but when there are complaints--only from RHs, and never from fellow housemates--every single week, it begins to lose its poignancy. I also understand that it's a delicate position for the RH to strike the balance between "business" and "casual"--after all, it is their JOB to live with us--but I, for one, would like to feel like my RHs can trust me and the entire house. And if they don't, I'm sorry, but I don't feel as though anyone in this house has done anything gravely serious enough to merit it.
Hell, we're kids, we play our music loud sometimes. We're not shooting crack, we're all doing well in school (yes, even at THIS school), and we all get along relatively well in an autonomous manner, for being a random assortment of 60+ kids scrambled together by the faceless Housing Office. Give us a little credit, please.
I am NOT saying that I don't want to see my RHs ever again. I genuinely enjoy spending time with them and talking to them at the house table and making them laugh and chilling in their apartment with their cats. They're great, vibrant, wonderful people in general. I'm proud to have them as my RHs.
I'd just like to see a little more respect sent our way, to balance the respect we have for them.