(no subject)

Aug 04, 2013 12:52

It's been a while since I properly updated. Anyways, the news is, I deactivated my Facebook account a week ago. I survived my first week without Facebook!!! :D Granted, I do have to use it for work and I still snoop around here and there, at least I don't get distractions all the time. There are a few reasons why I get myself off Facebook, mainly I want less distractions and I am also tired of many peoples' happy lives they portray online. There is also another guy whom I want to remove from my life and I am not too ready to unfriend him (yet, so I still get my chances to snoop.)

So now, I get more things done, I read more and I even watched the TV in the morning while having my breakfast! I just watched an episode of The Great British Bakeoff and think lumoszoganatnatvivconsilium should watch this show. My guess is, they probably know about this show moons ago. I've also bought new furniture for my room; a floor desk and chair (am typing this using them now). The de-clutter project is back again, I'm trying to remove whatever crap that is on the floor now - they are on the floor because there used to be two beds in my room and I used one like a table (because I had none!), that one was given away and they basically just left my junk on the floor. The sister is supposed to clear her crap out of my room, it was done halfway and there are still crap to remove from the cupboards and so on. Enough of this, I am happy wih my floor table and chair. I'd like to buy one floor to ceiling pole hanger so I can hang my bags and towels and clothing, time to prowl Gmarket again!

Work is still the same. The project is supposed to end last month but since the big boss is not happy with it, we hope to clean up the content and then launch in September. If that still doesn't happen, I don't know what to say! In fact, I'm tired of this project (and possibly the work), I'd like to move on to do something else. I have been feeling unmotivated since early this year. I did something wrong last year and was heavily penalised (lots most of my bonus and my grade) and that incident firmed up my opinion that this organisation is not the most personnel oriented place. I'm looking, but I don't know what I want to do yet. My last resort is to go back to my ex-boss and be his PA or do some random work for him or I'll apply to the MFA, at least they have interesting "running around" kind of work to do and I get an opportunity to get posted overseas if I'm a good performer. I've been applying for some jobs so I'll see how things goes.

Last but not least, I'll be spending my birthday in Iran!!! :D I was feeling really down (read: got dumped) and needed to get out. With all the mess in the office, there is not possibility of me getting a week off work in July and August, so I Googled around, found an Iran tour thingy, found an air ticket, and booked myself for it. I'm really looking forward to it and from what I have been reading online, the chances of me going back for a second time is quite high. Hopefully, I can get some friends to come along if I were to go there for a second time. I'm also thinking of getting a rug for my room when I'm there.

I hope to write more in the coming weeks, I realised I haven't written anything about NYC yet. Opps. You'll see me in Facebook again in about a month's time so I can report on my "life status" when I am in Iran. I hope this one month break from Facebook will do me some good. :)

Ciao ciao.

singapore, thoughts

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