I got boned by work today

Mar 29, 2010 21:12

I'm so pissed I can't think straight. One of the first shift nurses, M., quit a couple weeks ago. The next in line for her job was B., then me. I had heard a rumor that they hired someone from outside for the position, but I didn't believe it. I thought, "no, they couldn't do something that rotten." I've been trying to get on 1st for 18 months & B. has been trying for longer. She mostly works first with some 2nd thrown in.

Today, I found out it's true. They did hire someone new. She's fresh out of school, too. Little bitch.

I can't believe they screwed us like this! I've never complained when they've pulled me to work on different units. I've worked every fucking weekend for a fucking year now. I've done everything they've asked me to do. And this is my fucking thanks.

I'm gonna talk to my boss tomorrow & find out what the fuck she was thinking when she did this. I didn't today cuz I was so pissed I was afraid I'd say something bad. I'm still so mad tho.
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