Jan 22, 2009 20:19
I found out from my lawyer today that Ex has agreed to our proposal. This means a 50/50 split of custody. The first week, he'll have them Th, Fr, Sa & Su. The 2nd week it's Fr, Sa & Su. I'll never have them on the weekend anymore. At least not until he decides to move to IL & fight again for primary custody. This is good, in that it saves us from going to court, but bad because it's gonna be devestating to the kids. I know court would be more devestating & I know this is the lesser of 2 evils, but I'm still upset.
They got their report cards today & Daughter called him, supposedly to leave a message about her grades. Instead, she left a message about wanting to go to a Girl Scout camping trip next weekend. Great. I had no idea she was gonna do that. He called later & was already pissed; he said I'd be getting an email about it. I know what it'll say; that I shouldn't have let Daughter leave that message, that I'm using the kids as messengers, that I'm a horrible woman who is made of pure evil. Yet, he asserted the other day that he always treats me with respect, even though I don't deserve it from him, and that if I can't see that, its my own fault. I'm going to ask him next time if the utmost respect includes lying to me about what the custody order says in order to bully me into doing what he wants, as well as getting married in secret & letting me find out when I got the order to appear for custody concilliation? Yeah, you sure are a respectful motherfucker.
My only consolation is...he *might* go to jail soon. When we went before the judge back in August for his non-payment of child support, he was ordered to pay on time & in full for 6 months. It was a zero tolerance thing; if he fucked up even once, he was supposed to go to jail for 60 days. Well, he hasn't paid since...October. I didn't receive November or December's payments. He goes for the enforcement hearing again on the 27th of this month. I just have a feeling he'll pay what he owes & get away with it yet again. He'll con the money out of mommy & make a huge payment & they'll say "ok, run free until you fuck up again." They never punish him for it. He thinks he can keep getting away with doing this. It's such fucking horseshit. No, I don't really want him in jail because it would hurt the kids, but it bothers me so much that he never gets punished for anything. He thinks he's always right & this kind of stuff bears that out. Jeezus!
I'm just having a bad time. I just want to curl up & sleep.
custody order from hell,