May 24, 2008 23:35
But then I got the absolute fuck scared out of me.
I'm sitting here, reading LJ, drinking Diet Dr. Pepper & Old Rotgut Whiskey & thinking about posting about today. Only the light in the middle room is on. I'm getting pleasantly buzzed. Husband isn't home; he went to play with a friend of his. It's night time. And suddenly, the doorbell rings. WTF??!! I look for the phone, to get ready to call 911 if necessasry. Can't find it. I shout "who is it?" It's a degenerate neighbor from across the street. She wants to use the phone. I find the cordless & let her in. She really was harmless, but she scared me to death. I'm still kinda shaking & my buzz is gone. :-(
Today was the Cub Scout trip to Waldameer . It is also Daughter's 8th birthday. This trip had been planned for a while. When I brought it up to Ex, he absolutely refused to let the kids go. He said he had plans for this weekend with them. He'd been planning it for a while. Turns out, they were going to go camping at Wellspring. No biggie, I thought. That's cool. Ok, I was kinda miffed, but still. So yesterday, when he picked the kids up, Daughter asked him when they were leaving for camp. She asked him twice on my front porch, in my presence, & his only answer was "Young Lady..." in his stern voice. Ok, whatever, ass.
Today, we got to Waldameer & I called her to wish her a happy birthday. Talked to her. Asked her if they were at camp yet. And she told me no. She said that they had had to pay for something on their car & as a result, they didn't have the money to go camping. All I could think was aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, I do understand these things come up fast. But he had told them details about camping on Thursday. And what really pisses me off is he could have brought them to Waldameer. It would have been free, essentially, because the cub scouts were picking up the tab. He could have had fun with them. He could have let Oldest see some of his friends from scouts. But, no. Afterall, I was the one who wanted them to go on this trip. Since it was my idea, it is automatically a bad one & must be ignored at all costs. So I don't know what he did with instead. What a shit head.
Youngest is waking up. Gotta get him & take him upstairs, away from degenerates.