Mar 29, 2008 00:44
It has been reached tonight.
OK, I'm so frustrated & pissed that I'm gonna give my 2 week's notice.
Here's the straws. First, I come in & find that we finally have a schedule for April. Normally, we'd have gotten it at the monthly meeting, which is the 2nd Thursday of every month. Not this time. This is frustrating enough, as I have children who are still young enough to need sitters. So I get the schedule. I'd been told I was gonna be on 1st, & I am to some degree. But a lot of nights I work 4-9 PM. And I still have some 2nd shifts. I found this is because a couple of the new people quit. Gee...wonder why? So I'm frustrated &, frankly, disgusted. Then I get handed a slightly different version of the schedule. This one conflicts with the 1st one. Example: on April 1st, I either work 4-9 or 3-11. Then, I get a call from the evening supervisor. She tells me to call the Main Supervisor, the one who did the schedule, & not to go by this schedule because it isn't necessarily right. I have to call him MOnday. Monday is March 31st. The day before the new schedule takes effect. WTF?!?!?! And why the fuck shoudl I have to do his fucking job for him?
And, the sad part is this isn't even the worst part of what tipped the scales for me. See, back in December, teh Van driver got beat up by one of the residents; beaten so badly, in fact, that he got a concussion. Van Driver's wife worked there, too. She's an RT. Well, Van Driver eventually quit after going thru some stuff with post concussion syndrome, etc. However, he's still trying to get unemployment. The owner of the facility is fighting it. Well, Van Driver's wife is fed up with the place, too, so she put in her notice. She was expecting things to get ugly, since they got the lawyer & all. Her last day was supposed to be next Thursday. Today I walked in to find her crying & getting hugs from residents. I followed her into the med room & said, "I take it they're making you leave today, huh?" She cried on my shoulder a bit. She said that the reason they decided she needed "more time off" was because her husband's hearing was yesterday. She testified & so did the other lady who works 1st shift. VDW said she'd be surprised if Other Lady didn't get the ax next. They did tell VDW she could come back anytime, & they'll pay her for next week.
I just am astounded that they treated her so badly. I'm thouroughly disgusted with this place. So I called Fiance & we discussed it & I'm giving my notice Monday or Tuesday. No, I don't have another job lined up yet, but I do have some tax money left over, & well, I just can't go along with this shit anymore. Also, I applied at a place & the lady called me for an interview. Unfortunatley, I didn't get the message untiil about 1/2 an hour ago, so I'll have to call her Monday &Y I'm panicing a little about that. But it'll be ok. I hope. But I just can't stomach this place anymore. Fuckers! I love the residents, but as for management, they can piss up a rope.