ALIVE The Final Evolution ch 68

Dec 25, 2009 08:53

Finally, new chapter of Alive ~The Final Evolution~ at Mangafox today! \ \(^ ^)/ /  I've been waiting for this chapter for about... two months? Yeah. The latest release was on October 2009.

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Wow Yuuta. I didn't know you could be so bad-ass look alike XD Hair style could change everything, I see. He looks more mature with that sexy hairstyle x3~

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Cool Ray-nii and his cool sentence. "This is a battle for revenge" has been my favorite words from now on x3

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Nice Taisuke and Jun's training scene. Since when did Taisuke become this cool? 0_0 And you can see Yuuta brushed his teeth on the last panel XD

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Ray, Anzu, and Nami came to 'their' website. I could say Anzu looked different with tied hair. She looked more pretty despite her expressionless face. <3

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LOL my favorite scene XD 'Rain'/Nami's picture in that website was too much. Ray closed the laptop and Anzu made a joke from his last cool sentence. I never see their priceless expression like this one! XD

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Nami explode, Anzu ran away and Ray became her innocent victim XD Again, Yuuta is in the last panel.

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McPherson's flashback. We can't see young McPherson's face, but one thing we know is his father was sick 0_0

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McPherson and NOSE! XDD He's still alive and Dr. Horner asked the doctor to fix his nose. LOL

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They talked about how D2 would react if he saw McPherson's nose. A little D2 in memorian. Awwwww. TT^TT

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Friedkin and the ghost.

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Bloody Friedkin!! What did the ghost do to him!? Damn is he dead!?

And for the ending.....

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Taisuke met Megumi!!

The ending makes me curious 0_0 I hope they'll release the next chapter soon.

And I'd love to see Ray's appearance actually! LOL XD

manga: alive, review

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