Kelly and Richs Blame Redford song :

May 11, 2004 11:00

Rich: Times have changed, our kids are getting worse..
They won't obey their parents, they just want to fart and curse!
Should we blame the Government? Or Blame Society?
Or should we blame the images on TV?

All: No, Blame Redford! Blame Redford!
With all their beaty little eyes, their flapping heads so full of lies!
Blame Redford! Blame Redford!
We need to form a full assault, It's Redford's Fault!

Kelly: Don't blame me, for my son Stan..
He saw the darn Redford crew, and now he's off to join the clan!
And my boy Eric once had my picture on his shelf..
But now when he sees me, he tells me to fuck myself!

All: Well? Blame Redford! Blame Redford!
It seems that everything's gone wrong since Redford came along..
Blame Redford! Blame Redford!
They're not even a real city anyway.

Kelly: My son could've been a doctor or a lawyer, rich and true..
Instead he burned up like a piggy on a Barbecue.
Should we blame the matches? Should we blame the fire?
Or the Doctors who allowed him to expire?

All: Heck no, Blame Redford! Blame Redford!
With their kickball hullabaloo, and that bitch Anne Murray, too!
Blame Redford! Shame on Redford..
For, the smut we must stop.. the trash we must smash..
The laugher and fun.. must all be undone..
We must blame them.. and cause a fuss..
before somebody thinks of blaming us!
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