Jun 23, 2008 05:03
The Republicans? The Democrats?
I've been watching some posted videos as of very recently on Youtube. These videos are of McCain, Obama, and Ron Paul. Additionally, Keith Olbermann interviews and commentary.
It is alot to transcribe to here.
Ron Paul I wish was still in the running. I paid a fair amount of attention to him. I liked what he had to say. As for McCain I noticed things about his character I didn't like during the debates. His facial expressions when Ron Paul would speak for instance. As for Obama I hadn't watched any footage of him besides brief snippets.
This prior evening I watched some interviews of him. One of which was on Keth Olbermann's show. In the beginning I thought that Obama was just the political equivelant of Tony Robbins from late night infomercial fame. I apologize.
Though I have made no final decision I will say I like the fact Obama seems relaxed. What he says seems to flow and be intelligiable.
As for McCain :X and I am registered as a republican. There is something not right with McCain. So as it sits I am either voting for Obama or voting for Paul as a write in candidate. Even voting for Ron Paul for me is not a wasted vote it is using my vote as it has been granted to me to do so under the laws and freedoms of this land.