Jun 04, 2006 04:10
[ 06.03.06 Saturday ]
Made a big ass dinner for everyone tonight, squeezed in a few episodes of Reunion. XD
I guess playing X-Men Legends doesn't help, I can't remember what else I wanted to write. @_@;;
We picked up some Magic cards last week, the new set is okies I guess. We are having fun with our little draft thingie! ^_^
GW has been going good, gotta poke at Jaa, he needs to work on getting some points for our alliance! XO Still wanna work on the whole PvP / GvG aspect tho'.
I guess I should make this fast ( Gotta go back to gaming with the peeps! ). Things are kinda okay I suppose. The site is going terribly slow, which sucks, I got tired of making an agenda list and people not giving any feedback / response. I do like how I get called for help from people and all the things I have done over the years have been for naught when I ask for like one or two things. ::end sarcasm:: I'll probably have to save it as a private rant. =P
::goes back to gaming::
[ 06.01.06 Thursday ]
Boy what a crazy ass day...
I stayed up till like 7 something playing GW and my mom probably like woke me up around 9 something? It took me a while to goto sleep so it really startled me. x_x Someone hit my sister's car and she wanted me to go with my dad to see her...but I rolled over cause I was tiiiired and cause my dad probably wouldn't want me there anyways, he's a pain like that. So it took me another hour to like fall asleep. Got up and my sister told me about what happened, I took a look at the car ( she was making a left after a stop sign and it SOUNDS like the lady just decided not to stop ) and well, the back quarter panel plus the tire is smashed inwards. x_x; She doesn't think she'll be driving for a good portion of her summer. What sucks the most is that she's been home two weeks and she's incurred a sliced open toe from some stupid person dropping their glass at Top Dog, the flat she got coming home from MD this past Monday, someone hitting her car and when I got home, her thumb was bandaged up...she cut herself cutting open some food. x_x;
Work only sucked ( well, work sucks in general, but that's corporate part with their rules and such, ha ha ) cause Alex got his wallet stolen, we searched everywhere for it. T_T And while we were trying to do some trade-ins before the store was closing, there was a blackout and that sucked cause we couldn't see a damn thing! I heard people yelling so I thought there was a chance someone would come in and try to steal stuff. -_-;;
When I finally got home ( after the windshield wiper decided not to stay on in the Pouring Pouring Rain of Doom™ and me getting even more soaked ), we ( me, my sister and Jon ) decided to finish watching the one episode of Reunion on the compie ( buu~~ to Fox for cancelling it, but another network might pick it up, which is cool ) and some other US shows for the heck of it. My dad calls my sister over and she comes back, then I asked her what was up. He told her that she shouldn't be watching TV with me and Jon. Now this isn't the first time he's told her that, and I think it has to be the most retarded thing to say. I don't have a room OR a door for Christ's sake. He could sit there ALL of eternity and watch us watching TV, holy crap!1!!1 This is why I am home with friends more than out, cause he can be a stupid assumption man watching that I'm playing VGs or watching anime or playing card games with my friends rather than him going, "OMGWTFBBQSAUCE ( or whatever that phrase is now )!1!!1" if I'm out all the time.
So yeah, my dad comes back sometime after I walk Jon out, and we're still watching some stuff on the compie. He ends up like riproaring yelling mode at all of us and it was just plain old ugly, putting my sister into tears / freakout mode. x_x; He complains about what happened to the car, how his back hurts, how he's stressing out... All this shit is mainly himself, but of course that can't be the reason. =P
Hmm, now that I'm back from work, I dunno what else I wanted to say...
Mayhaps a recap?
- Pearl Jam concert October 2nd
- Holiday Dinner December 23rd
- Katsucon Feburary 16th - 19th
- A Taste of Chaos March 4th
- Passover @ Jon's April 13th
- Pearl Jam concert May 28th
I can't think of anything else now, but that's probably cause I'm trying to play GW. =P
catching up,