This is the rotating banner schedule for the banner makers of
bishounenawards. This post will be kept up-to-date with the contests, so if you're curious about which week you've been assigned to check here. This post is linked to from the userinfo as well as the main page.
Banner Schedule )
Comments 27
here are my last set of banners^^ Week 83
Good luck with school!
Sorry again for taking so long to reply. T_T
I might participate in the summer triptych contest, but I wanted you to know that I'm working on the banners, i've just been bogged down with school and moving back... :);;
It sucks that your PS died.. hopefully you're able to get it back. It'd be awesome if you could enter week 100's contest. I'd love to see your submission. X3
all right. i have weeks 77 and 84 done. just two more to go!
yeah, i fixed the problem... took too much time. my submission? haha... it's been so long since i've made icons. :O
I have finished 3 of the 4 banners I'm supposed have made for week 94, and none for week 101. u_u I'm sorry. The icon that placed first in 94 is the one without a banner. Would you prefer I give you the links of the 3 banners or make a new post myself?
So of course, I would like to withdraw from banner-making. Thank you so much for the opportunity of developing my skills through this community. It's been a real pleasure to make them. ^^ If I find the time, I will definitely try to submit icons into this contest.
Thanks again. ♥
Don't worry about the remaining banners. Someone will take care of them. Thank you so much for all the work you've put into bishounenawards! You'll always have a spot on the banner making team. :] Good luck with school!
Thank you for having me and I hope that I would be able to help again in the future... but I'm taking on a job and trying to graduate early. :)
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