Real Men DO Bake

Dec 15, 2008 07:41

Have you ever seen that commercial, I think for Hardee's, with a bunch of (for lack of a better word) guys sitting around watching NASCAR, getting really into it. Then one guy comes out with a tray of biscuits saying "Anybody up for fresh biscuits?" A voiceover then says "Real men don't bake."

I disagree.

Real men do bake. Here is a recipe for guys who are not afraid of putting on the oven mitt.

This is not really baking, more just throwing things together.

Buy one of the big Pillsbury chocolate chip cookie log.
A muffin pan.
Marshmallow fluff
Chocolate icing.
A case of Guinness.

Oh, and sprinkles.

Cut the log up into sections about half an inch thick.
Swig your Guinness.
Take your cut circles and cut them in half so you have a half moon.
Swig your Guinness.
Take each half moon and drop them into the cups of the (actually) cupcake pan.
See above.
Bake for ten to fifteen minutes until brown.
Take out, let cool.
Swig your Guinness.
Repeat until entire thing is done.

Take a teaspoon of marshmallow fluff and put in the crater that has been created. Sprinkle the, uh, sprinkles and dab with icing. Voila! Eat. Repeat until you're full.
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