[Wolfram felt terrible about
what happened between himself and Poland during the event. He'd behaved poorly... though he's sad to admit his behavior wasn't so far a stretch for him outside it being directed at Poland and not Yuuri. And Poland blamed him...
He knew he had earned the guilty feelings and regretted his actions but more than anything he hated that his heart hurt from the knowledge that the wonderful feeling of being loved in return had been a lie invented in an event. He'd never wanted to see his brothers or daughter more strongly; if only to feel like a part of something and be assured everything would be okay.
Wolfram placed his hands on the closet door of his bedroom, head bowed against the wood.]
Please... please give me Conrart.
[He held his breath and opened the door. Nothing was behind it. Closets didn't work that way. But he had to try. He closed the door and tried again.]
Please give me Gwendel. [nothing] Please give me Greta. [nothing] Please give me... my mother. [nothing].
[Wolfram leaned more heavily against the closet door, trying not to cry.]
Please give me anyone who cares about me. Even if it's just five minutes. Just one person.
[He opened the door and still nothing was there. With tears on his cheeks he stood there, opening and closing the closet door over and over--just in case this time it would be occupied--as the video eventually timed out.]