So bored... Don't care...

Jun 04, 2010 21:31

I'm in class right now. I'm bored, therefore I'm just going to write something and not care that it:
Blatantly copies a certain game's plots
Has lots and lots of OOC-ness
Doesn't make much sense


Remember this? Yeah, I'm bringing this idea to fruition! I think!

Spoilers for Trauma Team.
Practically *is* Trauma Team just with those characters. Woo!


Claire Saunders stood under the warm streaming water of the shower for a long moment as she pressed the towel to her skin. She meditated as she did every morning and slipped into her form-fitting lab coat. She stood straight and proud as she walked out of the door. All of the servants bowed as she went on her way.

"Good day Lady Claire!"


Doctor House sat in his office's extended lounge, legs propped up on the coffee table and a lofty cigar resting on his lips, when his door opened without warning.


"Ah Dr. DeWitt, you're interrupting something very important."

"Something productive?"

"Of course, am I capable of anything but?"

She put her hands on her hips, "Until you can prove that your slacking really does triplify your production rate it is still banned from your workspace."

"You can't prove that it doesn't." He stood up and stared her straight in the eye.

"I'm your boss and I say that it does." She grinned.

"You see there? That's bias'd." He pointed out.

"Yet I'm still the boss."

"When you have to fall back on the on the 'I'm the boss' argument that means you've run out of responses. You're losing your skill."

"Here you are mocking me when I've only come to bear gifts."

House threw her a suspicious look. "...Uh-huh... All I need is dinner DeWitt, no need for formalities. I mean, Stacy and I just got estranged. "

"It's for work."

"It's about time you got me a cappucino machine! How am I supposed to diagnose with disgusting coffee?"

"Something better." She clapped her hands and two guys wheeled in a computer with four spherical cameras and it's own cart. "It's a General Luminescent and Diagnosing Operating System or GLaDOS."

"...Seriously? A computer. Wow, as if my department doesn't have one of these."

"Greeting Doctor." The computer said calmly.

"W-Wha...? It talks?!"

"It's for your benefit, something that will actually stick around long enough to listen to you."

"Gee thanks."

"I believe this will be a quality investment."

"I wouldn't bet on that."

"There is a 91% chance of truth in Miss DeWitt's words."


"I'll just leave you two to get acquainted." She started heading out the door. "Your newest case should be waiting in the next room,  don't forget to see to her."

"Yeah, yeah." House replied with a roll of his eyes as she disappeared.

"What would you like me to do first Doctor?" GLaDOS hummed.


"It is physically impossible to do nothing, just existing is an accountable action."

House just sighed in resignation.

trauma center, house md, fanfiction, tv, dollhouse, crack, video game

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