2013: A Year in Despair

Jan 05, 2014 21:29

This year was certainly a wild card.

Overall it was a terrible, terrible year; but the thing is a lot of great things happened too. I guess it was fate trying to keep a balance?

Graduated (with associates, but friends keep telling me that at least its something)
Made new, close friends
I'm completely comfortable driving on the Interstate
Got my friend a job
Went to Canada
Got to experience how it feels to have real grandparents (at least, the kind that most people seem to have)
Got to go back to school after 8 months of just stagnant, home frustration after I couldn't find a job
Got into ODU
Got to bring the kids from church to camp and enjoy a week at the WILDS
Rehauled and completely reorganized my room
Finally found and got a figurine I've been looking for for a long time (Super Sonico Tora Parka nendo)
Got a ps3
Was able to go swimming with my mother before the summer ended
Nekocon 2013 (not a pure pro though, if you remember correctly)
All the people that helped comfort me post-Nekocon 2013

And here it comes,

Nekocon 2013
It was a great year as you can see from my previous entry, my con report; however it also set me up for a rather high fall.
What happened was I ran into Con guy from last year and I was able to gather all my courage to push myself to ask for his number. I spent 2 weeks texting with him back and forth; it was such a great feeling, just, being happy. It had been such a long time since I felt how good having a crush could feel.

It felt so good that I forgot about the risk associated with it.
It turned out, Con guy got himself a girlfriend in those two weeks. It was so painful.
Surprisingly I'm more or less over it now, but I did a lot of ranting, writing, arguing, and depression in that time. I have more clarity over it now though, especially with the help of all the people that helped me through it. I realized that this experience doesn't have to solely be a bad thing and that with it, I'll be better prepared for next time.

Now here's the real struggle of 2013.
So family came to stay with us back in May. (Very similar to a cousin of mine waaaay back in 2008).
This family is my aunt (younger sister of my mother), uncle, and my two cousins (12 and 16 year old boys in their annoying bratty stage).
I wasn't exactly too thrilled at the news, but I did my best to endure to try and make up for being such a terror to my cousin. My parents (and them I'm sure) thought it would only be about a month or two while they looked for a job.

...It's been 7 months now.

Plus who the heck thinks they're going to get a job right off the bat in this economy?
Anyway, the patience I tried to have for them quickly degraded into frustration and disrespect mostly for the fact that they seem to treat their stay in *my* house as some terrible vacation and my family is nothing more than difficult servants. They never ask for anything (as in they'll just take our things without asking: power strips, coupons, bed sheets, rooms [they turned our guest living room which doesn't even have a door into a bedroom for their kids and our main dining room with all my mom's china into an office, all without permission]). I mean, how hard is it to just ask?
They also compare literally everything to Alaska, despite the fact they're not going back there.
Why can't they go back you ask?
It turns out, my uncle and aunt were missionaries or something in Alaska (they're 7-day adventists, but they don't seem to be very devout ones after living with them), but they had to leave because my uncle decided to have an affair with someone in the church.

Fast-forward to September when he decided to walk out on his family with some other woman.
Although, oddly enough, he came back in November acting like nothing happened. He didn't even come back with a job, which is just pathetic.
Basically their entire family is freeloading off of us right now, eating all the food (without asking), getting upset when I turn off the internet, wasting all our resources; it just scares me that they're not going to want to leave because, I mean, we're paying for everything and they don't even bother attempting to pay rent. Oh, but they'll buy crap like TVs and other various electronics on a whim, as well as airplane tickets and hotel rooms for random vacations without explanation of where this magical money is coming from.

I swear, the only thing keeping my sanity right now are my friends who will listen to me and my constant ranting. If it weren't for that I probably would have started a bonfire for all their stuff by now.

On a final note, 2013 was just despair-madness anime-wise. Dangan Ronpa, the 3rd Madoka movie, and even Little Busters! Refrain decided to base their whole premise on just despair despair despair.

reflection, new year, real life

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