ZA meme
Zombie apocalypse pic meme!
These answers are bound to change. Maybe I'll post an alternate version when I'm more awake (and super bored)
A blank version is found here: In case you'd like to have your own go at it :)
Leader: Mal Reynolds {Firefly} because well... he's my captain! Plus he knows how to keep things together
Brawler: Cameron {Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles} because she'd keep the fight going no matter what, even if she glitches and ends up turning on us.
Weapons Expert: Chell {Portal/Portal 2} because if she can master a portal gun (and this is proven by the fact that she isn't dead from the overuse) I'm sure she can handle anything that comes her way
Brains: Is that Sherlock you say? Err...NO, Mycroft Holmes FTW
Medic: Eirin {Touhou 8: Imperishable Night}, nothing more needs to be said
Speed Fighter: Rainbow Dash {My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic} because she can both break the sound/light barrier and turn 45 degrees in a nano second, create a giant rainbow from the resulting sonic boom, and makes tornadoes around her opponents' heads.
Mascot: Kirby {Kirby Nintendo games} because he's cute :D
Guy Who Dies First: Barney {HIMYM}; Sorry Barns, but at least I'm sure he'd go out with a BANG. Plus I'd like to think that his death would end up being something that would rally the team together or something.
Final Verdict: Why do I have the feeling they'd all end up killing each other before the zombies? Oh well, I'm sure once they get over that little hurdle they'll all do just fine :)