Apr 14, 2008 16:54
Two posts in one day? I have been slacking on my four-a-month quota and need to make up for lost time!
So, in addition to baking cupcakes this weekend, I was super busy on all fronts. Friday night was Relay for Life, which is a cancer fundraiser where the participants spend long hours walking around a track. And this will apparently stop cancer.
We had a pretty big chemistry team this year, and several of the international students who participated didn't get why we were bothering to walk around when all the money that was being used to feed and entertain us could be donated to the organization that was actually fighting cancer. I have to say that I agree with them. That's not to say that I didn't have fun, but it was all a little excessive with the bouncy castle and free food every couple of hours.
And speaking of the bouncy castle, we tried our best to get Dr. Silva (our boss -- rather strict) to go bouncing with us. To no avail, unfortunately. When we weren't bouncing, we played cards and Trivial Pursuit and ate pizza. It was like a big sleep over, only less comfortable because we were all sitting on the events center floor. If I'd had a big beanbag chair, maybe I would have made it past midnight (the event ended at 5am).
I dragged myself out of bed on Saturday for dress rehearsal. The chorus sang Hayden's Creation this semester, and I liked it a lot. What I didn't like so much was that it took 45 minutes before we actually got started with the rehearsal. By the end I was tired and starving, so I scarfed down an obscene amount of pizza and took a little nap. Which for me is crazy, because I NEVER take naps. They usually just make me feel worse, so I choose to go to bed extremely early instead.
But that was not an option, because it was Jared's birthday weekend and alcohol must be consumed! We had fun hanging at Dillinger's, the not-full-of-underage-college-students bar, until Jared decided he needed a "scorpion bowl". We then headed over to the completely-chock-full-of-underage-college-students bar, affectionately nicknamed The Rat. The scorpion bowl turned out to be a mixture of every type of alcohol with some juice served in a shallow wooden bowl with a dozen straws. Apparently The Rat is a BU landmark, so I'm glad that I finally got to experience it... sort of.
I finally crashed at 2 am, just to drag myself out of bed yet again for the chorus concert. I should probably insert here that I don't do well with staying up late now that I am old and gnarled. I made it through the concert okay, but it was not very much fun doing those crazy high runs when I just wanted to curl up on the risers and sleep. I baked cupcakes until 12:30 last night, but tonight I will be sure to go to bed extremely early to catch up on my sleep!
oh my crazy life!,