Aug 07, 2017 23:18
I ordered about 70 volumes of Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and got sent separate shipping notifications for each book. I only made about six separate orders; this was completely unnecessary. I've lost control of my inbox.
But! The Duel Art artbook came in today and it is lovely and gorgeous and I love it (and it's got no dust jacket) and I must protect it.
I also threw in Your Money or Your Life in one of those orders, because I obviously need that. Also, the one on Unf*ck Your Habitat, because my room puts Keisuke Takashi's to shame (and while I may or may not be proud of that, it is still out control and needs an intervention).
still not dead yet,
no significant tags,
what is coherency?,
you didn't know i could fangirl,
sprite las cosas como son,
my logic is unquestionable!