I've been missing all summer, I know! ;_; I really missed posting here!
The house had an electrical problem that left me internet-less for a week. About a day before that happened, I signed up to participate in the
bro calendar for 2013. I'm really excited for it, but so nervous, too! XD
Anyway, with the power in my room out, I spent the week playing video games in the living room (since there was electricity there and I could turn on the fan).
I managed to find a used copy of Hakuouki (finally!) in a GameStop near the place where I was taking physical therapy. (It was meant to be, because it came up on the GameStop page just in time for the day of my final therapy.) It turned out to be everything I was expecting it to be and then some. (This not necessarily a good thing, but it's not terrible either. I'd like to play more games like this. *cough*UtaPri*cough*) I've only played Kazama's (~*awkward*~) route, though. Still have to go through the others.
I also got KH for the 3DS. I don't you'd be missing much out of the storyline for not playing this one, but you should if you have the chance, 'cause they've done a lot of different things with it (some better than others, of course-- I'm looking at you, dive-- you gummi ship in disguise, you! >:/). Also Riku.
OMG, Riku! I am sooooo upset all over again over Riku's hair. I have received no explanation for the haircut, and everyone goes along as if it's always been that way and they have nothing to say about it.