omg, a post

Aug 18, 2008 18:15

Has it really been that long since I last posted? :/ Oops.

Well. I went camping at Lake Superior, it was great. It wasn't quite up to my expectations (I've been to nicer parks) but it was still quite enjoyable. It was near the highway so you could hear the cars most of the time, but if you sat on the beach you couldn't hear them over the sound of the water on the shoreline. The weather was good only half the time though, and for the other half it rained. It was nice to get away either way. I reread the entire seventh Harry Potter book. hurray. The sunsets were amazing, as were the stars at night. I saw the Milky Way. Beautiful. Pictures to come.

I saw Mamma Mia! and now I can't get all the ABBA songs out of my head. Meryl Streep was amazing in that movie. Pierce Bronsan can't sing worth anything though, haha. x3 Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2 was disappointing.

What else...still working at Timmy's. I am getting so sick of it though; everything is so repetitive. I can feel my brain turning to mush. I need to take a course in something to get me thinking again. Anyway, I have an interview at some software store or something tomorrow. Hopefully it'll go well. I need out of Timmy's.

Going to the FanExpo this Saturday. I was really excited before, but then I looked online at the ticket information, and you pretty much can't do anything unless you get the full weekend pass, it's ridiculous. You can't see any shows, attend any game shows, go to the Masquerade (which I REALLY wanted to see this year), it's so stupid. With the basic pass you can only go into the dealer's room, the artist alley, get autographs, and go to panels, that's it. What bull. AND GAIA IS ONLY THERE FRIDAY AND SUNDAY NOT SATURDAY WHEN I'M GOING DFDKJHGJSDHFKJASK.

The sad part is I'm actually considering getting a deluxe pass just to see Gaia on Sunday, even if I just go by myself. I'm pathetic. But I really do want to go to the other show-things too...

I got a credit card. Oh...the freedom. It's already turning into a curse though. I've probably spent about...$200 on it? ^^U Including an external hard drive and eBay purchases.

Speaking of which, I got the first and second of three of these purchases today and last week. The first was a pretty silver/crystal pendant, and the other was a necklace/earrings/bracelet set I got for my cosplay idea for next AN. I like the sparklies. :DDD I don't have many of them, since I don't wear jewelery a lot aside from earrings.

I think the eBay thing has sparked a recent fascination in all things girly, be it jewelery or makeup or dresses. I've bought more of such items in the past month than I have in a year...including a bracelet, an amber pendant, and a $200 antique dress which I LOVE. It was worth it. Every girl should have a dress they feel totally girly in, you know?

Also got a whole bunch of scrapbooking stuff. Kelly and I totally want to get that Cricut thing that's on the informercial channels all the time. That thing looks amazing.

MAJOR picspam to come, including Lake Superior, things I've bought, and probably CNAnime Expo at that point, whatever happens with that.

pictures, anime, work, friends

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