There she goes...

Jul 18, 2008 21:10

I've been the only one in my house this past week as my family has gone camping at Lake Superior Provincial Park last weekend. Tonight I am hitching a whopping fifteen-hour bus ride to go meet up with them there.

They were going to go for two weeks and I didn't want to miss that much work, so I figured I could meet them there and go home when they do. I'm so excited. I'm not as big on camping as I used to be but I'm looking forward to just taking a break from reality and internet and phones and work and early mornings, etc etc. It's been a long time coming for a proper organized vacation.

What's happened in the past while... it was Melissa's birthday. I had fun making her a card with Sasuke holding up a banner that said, "I SRSLY <3 Melissa" and then having a freaked-out Naruto going "DOES NOT APPROVE!!!" when you turn the page. I got her a mini-shopping spree at Michael's so she could get stuff for the dark queen costume she's planning on making for the next Anime North. Kinda early but...whatever. I'm not about to rain on her parade. Let the girl be excited. ^^

I went for an interview at Lowe's; it went okay except for the part where I had to wait forty to even see anyone that could possibly know what to do with me. It seems the person who called to arrange an interview with me the next day forgot about it or something. And then when I finally see someone, it's only five minutes long. I left and I was more than a little pissed. Lowe's is really out the way for me, so just... what the shit. It was retarded.

Kelly came by today and helped me pack. It took me about an hour to find my favourite comfy jeans, it was ridiculous, and in the end I ended up packing way more than I intended to in the beginning. While I wasn't looking Kelly single-handedly cleaned most of my room for me. It was no small feat either, that room is a sty, no joke. I was getting so exasperated. "Kelly, put that down! No! I can throw out my garbage myself! Wait~~!" (as I'm following her down the stairs, and she's carrying my garbage and dirty dishes.) That girl is nutters. But in a good way. :D We went out for dinner to Montana's where I stuffed myself with fajitas, and then her dad offered to drive me to TORONTO. He wouldn't take no for an answer. I mean, this family, I swear to god. I was hoping on bumming a ride to the Newmarket Terminal (five minutes), not effing TORONTO (an hour)!! Not that I'm not grateful.

Anwway, I'm just chilling at Kelly's until *we* leave. ._.U Geez. And then comes the incredibly fun bus ride which I'm oh so looking forward to.

Anyways, I'll take lots of pics and post the wonderful-ness (hopefully the weather stays good) when I get back!

camping, work, friends

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