
Jul 27, 2006 03:29

I think I just had the worst day of my life.

First, I slept in - nothing unusual, except that I slept in and when I got up, my right calf muscles completely seized up. What are those called? A Jack something? It hurt for the rest of the day. It still hurts.

Then my mom came home and she was angry with me because I hadn't paid her back for afterprom yet as I had promised, and I hadn't cleaned the kitchen, which she didn't tell me to do but I know I should've done anyway. I hate it when my mom is mad at me. Totally ups my guilt and frustration levels.

So then I left. I took one of my dad's Viva tickets and headed out, intending to take the bus to Finch and then the subway to the Eaton's Centre to shop for some clothes, because I needed some for Poland anyway - and I've grown a liking for that place. Lots of good stores.

I get on the bus, and at the Wellington stop I'm confronted by Viva cops who said that not only was my ticket not validated, but it expired last year. I tried telling them that it wasn't validated because I was more worried about missing the bus (I just barely got on it), but no. They handed me a fine of $150. I cried, it was so embarrassing. Everyone was staring at me. Plus I have no idea how I;m going to be able to afford that. The guy said I could plead guilty and pay it off, or I could plead guilty with an explanation and have the fine lowered and maybe even taken off altogether...so I'm going to do that. It wasn't my fucking fault anyway. I didn't know that "orange tickets mean they're from 2005", and I didn't know what it meant to validate a ticket either. They educated me, and then "escorted" me all the way to Finch.

At the subway station, some guy tried to steal some lady's purse. The guy failed and tried to run away - right into me. I almost fell into the train tracks, but some girl pulled me aside. I still fell though, right onto my already-hurting right leg.

I was in no mood for shopping anymore, but I went anyway. I almost cried again when I found a bunch of things I liked and none of them fit me.

On the way home, when I got off the bus, I went to McDonald's to get some fries, and ran into the guy I made out with during afterprom. Worst timing ever. Seeing him brought up bad memories that just made me even more miserable.

On the way home, it rained. I got completely soaked.

I had a nice long cry when I got home. This fucking sucks. Just all of that together...ugh. I'm going to bed.


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