I fucking hate being stereotyped. Fucking hate it.

Mar 29, 2006 00:40

I finally got my internet fixed. It wasn't working for about a week. Dial-up be damned!

School has been crap. I totally flipped out at this guy in my tech class because he was being such a dick, along with his friend. They think that I don't know how to do anything tech-wise and constantly comment on it and never cease to annoy the living hell out of me.

Our project is to build a night table. Forget the fact that I got a 91 in the course last year - they claim that the teacher must have been high when he did the grades then. rolls eyes One, that is such a lame argument. Two, if I hadn't sorted out all the measurements and the dimensions of the pieces for them - and which piece is which, and which piece goes where - we'd be the group that is the most behind instead of the most ahead right now. To be truthfully blunt, if it wasn't for my math they'd all be in the dark. So they can take their "tech expertise" and shove it up their asses.

Godammit, this is pissing me off so much. My period must be due soon.

God, how I long to wipe that shit-eating grin off his face. Today, it took will, man. I was practically shaking from restraint.

And the bastard's friend kept banging metal objects together near my face and at first I kind of ignored it, because he did it all the time to everyone, but today I slammed my hammer down on the table and went, "Will you fucking cut it out?" and he backed off, thankfully. Good thing the tech room tables had seen better days - they're so beaten up that the dent is hardly noticable. Better the table than the guy's face, anyway.

I hate the fact that tech used to be my favorite class and now it's the one I dread going to the most.



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