wc exam and colin...again.

Jan 23, 2006 10:50

I'm so thankful right now. Mrs. Estabillo let me have until the end of today to finish my term paper, and even said I could bring it home and hand it in tomorrow if need be. Thank Jebus. I’m so grateful.

Colin called me yesterday out of the blue, said he didn’t like Brokeback. Meh, his opinion, my opinion. Didn't care much. Then he brings up this idea about forming a gay-straight alliance sort of club at school, and wondered if I wanted to get in on it. He said it would be so they can talk about things related to the subject…or something. I told him I thought his intentions were good but it was a catholic school and he’d have trouble finding a teacher to volunteer to be a teacher advisor for a club like that. Just laying out the facts, y’know? And he hangs up on me. I was just about to suggest a few teachers that he could try.

God. I was just stating the facts. You can’t have a club without a teacher advisor at our school. Sorry if that fact went against your plans, but being mad at me isn’t going to make that obstacle go away. I was just fucking being honest. Bastard!


friends, school

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