continued: 2006 is here

Jan 03, 2006 04:30

Well well well, another year has past. Does anyone else think it's gone by too quickly? I do. I don't feel seventeen, I don't feel like I'm about to graduate from high school. It's like I'm still a kid that gets giddy over the simplest things...or something. I dunno.

A lot of stuff has happened this year. Academically, it hasn't been so great, but that's okay. I went ot summer school for the first time and it was one of the most boring things I've ever experienced. I got an award for my Tech mark though, so that was cool.

This year, I:

Went to 2 anime conventions, one of which was better than the other, but they were fun and was introduced to a lot of cool stuff.

Went to Pride with Katie, Melissa, and Colin, which was a blast! Hell, I met Katie, which was cool ...because she's cool. Lol!

Got my first job, and even though I don't like it much I like the extra cash, which allows me to buy more things that I actually want every once in a while, like anime and clothes. I've never been able to go to a mall almost at random and be able to buy a top or cd that I like without planning and saving up.

Both started and quit smoking.

Got my picture taken with Kevin Sorbo.

Hung out with Melissa more, therefore also upping the number of anime marathons.

Went to the Pacific Mall for the first time and dsicovered the true nature of discount shopping.

Met an awesome person but stopped talking to her for stupid reasons.

Might have lost the first person I've ever fully trusted, my best friend, forever.

Went to New York City for the second time and was amazed for the second time.

Wore my first miniskirt.

If possible, became more of a Harry Potter nerd. Same with anime.

I became better friends with a group of great people and had tons of fun and laughs with them.

Did a lot of things I regret.

Fixed a few things I've regretted from the past.

Bought handcuffs.

It's been a pretty eventful year, I suppose. It had it's highs and lows, definitely, but it was an overall okay year, I think. *sigh* I'm glad for this fresh start, however. I guess it makes me determined to make this year even better than the last. Which I will!

I've decided my New Year's Resolution to be something pretty general, but I think it'll help me a lot. It's to not half-ass anything anymore. For example, if I want to go on a diet, I'll make a plan and stick to it instead of doing it for two days and giving up. I'll try to do all my work to the best of my ability - that way, even if I get a lousy mark, I'll know I tried my hardest and won't have that lingering feeling of guilt all the time. No more half-assing. In other words, it's also to put any plans or promises in motion and not leaving them be. A mix of both those things. Wish me luck, Lol!

Anyway, hope this year'll be a great one for everyone. So again, Happy New Year!

holidays, memories

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