
Dec 21, 2005 10:10

Dude..I'm so bored. In Writer's Craft right now, not sure what we're supposed to be doing. Megan dyed her hair, yay! And her site has random pics of Kelly's foot and Dan Radcliffe's cool shirt. Yep.

I found out who Richter is. So now my major project is tonz more clear.

This song is by The Arrogant Worms. It's about Canada. I love it to death! SO funny.

When I look around me,
I can’t believe what I see
It seems as if this country
Has lost it’s will to live
The economy is lousy,
We barely have an army
But we can still stand proudly
’cause canada’s really big

We’re the second largest country
On this planet earth
And if russia
Keeps on shrinking
Then soon we’ll be first
(as long as we keep quebec)

The usa has tanks
And switzerland has banks
They can keep them, thanks
They just don’t amount
’cause when you get down to it
You find out what the truth is
It isn’t what you do with it
It’s the size that counts!

Most people
Will tell you
That france is pretty large
But you can put
Fourteen frances
Into this land of ours
(it’d take a lotta work, it’s take a whole lotta work)

We’re larger than malaysia
Almost as big as asia
We’re bigger than australia
And it’s a continent
So big we seldom bother
To go see one another
But we often go to other
Countries for vacation

Our mountains
Are very pointy
Our prairies are not
The rest is
Kinda bumpy
But, man, do we have a lot
(we gotta lot of land, we gotta whole lot of land)

So stand up and be proud
And sing out very loud
We stand out from the crowd ’cause
Canada’s really big!

Lolz. ^^ I love it.

PS Megan is cool- "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas.." And I'm gonna kill Kelly and Kyle if they keep calling me Ugnis. Sons of bitches.

Grahg! Weird day.

[EDIT] I got presents! I didn't bring mine cuz I wanted to bring mine all at once and only had half of them bought...so yeah.

Kyle gave me a gift certificate for the Upper Canada Mall and this yummy chocolate-covered marshmallow thing. Very cool! *sings* Shopping...lalala

Kelly got me a cute notebook and Vol. 8 of Hana-Kimi, yay! She had that bought like, 2 months in advance or something... The present came with this awesome Xmas card. I'll post it later if I'm bored enough. It's so her.

And Megan got me a very unique gift. Firstly, I had to get through about 40 layers of wrapping paper, which took about 20 effing minutes, and when I finally get to the little box in the middle, there was a piece of paper inside that said, "Haha, your present is in my purse."

I wanted to kill her.

So she pulls an envelope out of her purse and it's gift certificate for the Upper Canada Mall too, except hers was for $22.99. Apparently, if you buy something that $19.99, that how much it'll be with tax. Very...thoughtful. That along with three packs of tic-tacs, she remembered I liked the orange ones! That really was thoughtful...I guess. So then I decided to hug her instead of killing her. I hope she appreciated that. It took a ton of inner strength. Seriously.

SCHOOL'S OUT!!!!!!!1111!!!11!!@@221!!

random, goodtimes, friends, holidays, school

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