(no subject)

Dec 13, 2005 05:09

Ugggh, bad bad day.

I think I had a panic attack or something at the beginning of art today. I was about to write the Canadian art test (the hardest one - 4 big-ass questions and 42 slides! omfg) and I was doing okay. I mean, I studied the slide test during lunch and english, and I new the atuff on the natives pretty well. But then Colin came and ruined my balance, bah. I'm not even sure what it was, exactly, something about me not wanting to give up my seat to him because my legs felt like jello. So he goes and sits beside this other girl instead, even though there were two empty seat to my right. When he did that, I was the only one in my row, and I don't know, that pissed me off/hurt. It just took one little thing like that to throw me completely off balance and I practically ran from the room and went to the nook behing the first staircase and just hugged myself for the entire period.

It really freaked me out because at one point I was like, "Oh my god, what's wrong with me?" because I was shaking violently and my heart was pounding so hard I thought it was gonna burst out of my chest. It was like some weird mental breakdown. I felt a lot better afterwards, but still. I don't think that's normal. Plus Blaise is gonna kill me for running out on a test day. he was in the classroom and everything...

Now I'm embarrassed. People are gonna be asking me what happened and everything and I won't be able to answer them because I don't really know.

Bah. I have grad pictures tomorrow; I was freaking out yesterday because I couldn't find my make-up, but then I realised I left my make-up bag in Melissa's car, so I tried calling her but was unsuccessful. But I called her about an hour ago and she's bringing it tomorrow, thank god. And we're doing lunch, might as well, anyway. I'm nervous though; I'm totally not photogenic.

Bah, humbug.

suckytimes, school

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