(no subject)

Nov 21, 2005 04:28

I'm in such a blah mood.

Things have progressed since my "fight" with Colin, but not by much. I went up to him during lunch a few days ago (when other people weren't surrounding him) and confronted him, sort of. First I said, "We need to talk." Ah, the classic line. And then the classic comeback: "So talk." Okay.

I told him I honestly had no idea why he was mad at me. Apparently it was something about when chewing Nicorette gum in class and he went out and had a panic attack or something in the bathroom; he came back to class after about five minutes and was freaking out, going, "Are my pupils dilated? Am I pale? Am I burning up?" blahblahblah. I gave him my honest opinion and told him he looked fine to me. None of his "listed" symptoms that worried him were present. To me, it looked like he was overexaggerating a bit, so I told him , offhandedly, to "stop overreacting, you're fine." And apparently he took that offensively.

So it started from there, and went on to him being annoyed with just about everyone because "they don't have the guts to tell me what they want to say about me to my face." Or something. So I was only "part" of it - made me feel tons special, let me tell you.

Also, I called Meghan at one point to rant - I was getting pretty fed up with Colin - who was supposed to be my best friend - and complained about him and told her all the little things that annoyed me about him. And she went and told him some of it. That didn't help any - plus she twisted my words so that it made it seem to Colin that I thought "that he was changing ever since he started dating Garrett, so it must be his fault." Wtf? I'm still mad at her for that.

But ever since we "made up," things haven't progressed much. It feels super-awkward. I still get annoyed with him easily - all the things that were amplified during our argument haven't gone away, in my mind. He's become a parody of himself - very prissy and superficial, judging people on looks and social class only, very ditzy and kind of skankish. Everytime I see him or think of him, I want to roll my eyes or groan out loud. It's so pathetic.

I've been hanging out with this other group of friends a lot for a while now, even before the fight (about the time when I started to get annoyed with Colin...so, the start of this year) and they're pretty cool. They've got their own entire history within their group, just like the group of friends with Colin, Alex, Meghan, Meghan and Sarah do (my former main group). My mom says that because I've limited myself (knowingly or not) to socializing with Colin and the others, I've missed out on a lot of opportunities to make more friends. And she's very right. I wish I could've been there more when some things happened in that other group, now that I've gotten closer to them. I'm glad I'm friends with them now, but it's a bit aggravating when you come to a conversation when you're definitely out of the loop on something and someone has to fill you in. But other than that, they're cool. ^^

What a crazy week. I'm so glad it's over. Now for my calculus test tomorrow...well, I wish that could wait.


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