Sep 02, 2007 19:36
There are so many things I want just want to yell out in some long windend emo rant. Most of it has been said before. People contiuning to judge based on archaic sterotypes in relation to gender rules. People not taking into conisderation the feelings of those they contiune to verbal berate and or put down, whether they think its in good fun or not. I am pretty sure at this point, my discontent with this mode of treatment is very obivous, but yet no one cares, and now the insults are getting more personal, and the other side is starting to see them as more funny. This no longer seems like innocent put downs, these are now aimed at the personality trates that make me who I am. The traits I actually take pride in. That is saying alot, it took me a long time to develop a self-image I am pleased with, and now it seems my friends are not. What does this mean? They are not my friends, as my girlfriend put it. That is the one conclusion that has always been in my mind, but one I never wanted to say (or type in this instance). I dont like confronation, but you know what, I dont like being made to feel that I should feel like shit for who I am. I am done.
I have a wonderful girlfriend, and new job that is actually going to be fuffilling and within a month, my money issues will no longer be a source of stress. I will actually expendenle income.
Night all. Have to be at work early.