May 20, 2007 10:22
"Hmm...I'm not sure...Do you think this looks like a big huge penis?" (on the paper in the picture of a tall building with an Eastern style roof on it). "Gregg will kill me if I present this picture and it has a big huge penis on it." (Direct quotes from Sara's mom which keep me amused during morning coffee). This weekend has been fun, it was a nice outdoor wedding and it was actually nice to get away from Manhattan for a not the people, God talk about low self esteem! What is with you guys! Lookin' forward to crankin' out some more loopage and getting the website up and running with Dave, will post the link here as soon as we've finely tuned it with some superior craftsmanship from Dave and the old programming know-how...I have no idea IF X=RUN THEN Y=SOMETHING ELSE and all that milarky. I'd like to understand html more though. I think I may get a book and start reading about it and make a webpage for practice or something. Anyways, hope y'all had good weekends.
Peace, love, huge peni all around!