Whenever (some) content providers are
feeling lazy but need to (1) turn in some sort of promised work product on something ASAP and (2) want to up their hit-count without bothering to do anything original or useful there is nothing like dragging out the the old (completely false ... but who really cares? because do bisexual people even exist?)
tired tropes about
A situation some commercial writer called Daniel Warner obviously recently found himself in, because he managed to pen something so spectacularly obtuse and foolish that even the mysterious cabal that runs HuffPo noticed that something was wrong.
First a direct response entitled "
We're Not Bicurious - We're Bifurious!" was posted by two
National Union of Students (NUS) LGBT Campaign members Lauren Connors, Bisexual Representative and Matt Stanley a campaign committee member. Then a HuffPo Live segment
What Part Of 'Bisexual' Don't You Understand? was assembled and aired.
segment was hosted by Ahmed Shihab-Eldin with a panel of bisexual writers, researchers and activists including:
A.J. Walkley bisexual
author &
Neal Boulton bisexual magazine editor/publisher (and a
Married Bi Parent);
● Ellyn Ruthstrom of the
Bisexual Resource Center (
● Allen Rosenthal an
American Institute of Bisexuality (
AIB) research scholar
It's not the final word on the subject but both responses are worthwhile and are a further indication of the growing annoyance and public presence of the
Bisexual Community. A population that has
historically always been an active and contributing part of the modern LGBTQ movement, but that has had a tendency to play the part of the good foot-soldiers rather than hog the limelight. However increasingly stung by a lackadaisical attitude (or in some well know cases even a
dismissive & hostile attitude) exhibited towards the "B" in LGBT bisexual people seem to be increasingly coming forward and demanding equal respect and representation.
Much of this more spunky attitude has been jump-started by some of the bisexual movements '
young turks' such as Bisexual-Queer Theorists including Israeli Genderqueer Academic
Shiri Eisner; Bisexual TransActivist
Julia Serano; blogger and researcher
Patrick RichardsFink; Bisexual campaigners including
BiNet USA president
Faith Cheltenham;
Bay Area Bisexual Network's
Martin Rawlings-Fein; Biisexual Gender Varient
Student Activist Aud Traher;
Denise Ingram; the
Bisexual Organizing Project's Lauren Beach;
European Bisexual Activist Miguel Obradors; and Lindasusan Ulrich principal author of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission's
Bisexual Invisibility Report; along with a raft of critical research spearheaded by organizations such as the
American Institute of Bisexuality (
AIB) especially it's well respected
Journal of Bisexuality;
BiReCon and the
Bi Research Group.
And in the end the major LGBTQ Groups may come to rue the day that their colonial mentality woke the sleeping giant, because as pointed out by places like the
Williams Institute fifty percent of people more or less who identify as either Gay/Lesbian or Bisexual actually identify as bisexual, making us the
largest portion of the Queer Community.
Source: HuffPo:
Bisexuality: Is It Fun, Non Committal or Just Plain Greedy? then
We're Not Bicurious - We're Bifurious! +
What Part Of 'Bisexual' Don't You Understand?,
LipstickLori: Bisexuality: Myths and lazy journalism,
Bi Radical,
Whipping Girl,
Eponymous Fliponymous, Closets and Criticisms of LGBT Research
(Part 1) (Part 2)