Jan 09, 2005 13:29
Hello darlings...
I had such a crazy day yesterday in Deutschland. We shopped and got a ton of clothes and I ate turkey shnitzel (!) and drank lots of German "cola" beer. Part beer, part cola. Weird. Yet oh so tasty. We hung out with a few funny Germans how drank 6 (count 'em 6) "meters of beer". They are these huge wooden things with 16 glasses of beer in them. And there were 3 people. WOAH. Then I beat some Germans at foosball and took a cab back to base. They took the car into a little garage and looks under the car with angled mirrors. And they had big guns. It was scary for a girl at 3 a.m. Alrighty, I just wanted to throw a hello out there.
Right NOW I love:
Casey, because I got her a bitchin present yesterday and I wanted to buy her a lot of things because she's fabulous.
Bryan, because of the award-winning poem he wrote for me.
the sun, which has said hello to me two!!! days in a row.
my new gold (YESSSS) shoes.
my Grandpa, for writing me a sweet e-mail.
Kiss kiss!