My first MRI

Apr 15, 2007 20:32

The Early Intervention Service books each patient in for a brain scan, to see whether psychological problems are in fact caused by some physical imbalance or illness. It was thankfully a single pass, and I spent about 25 minutes or so in the confines of the machine. My boredom threshold was as high as it always is, and they played mostly Feeder through the headphones to detract from the heavy clicks of the MRI machine in motion. The task of keeping my head as still as possible was sometimes a difficult one, and the jerking movement that I make during swallowing became consciously difficult to control. My whole body experienced an imaginary movement during the scan and I could do nothing to stop it. With the centre of rotation running through my chest, my body spun on a horizontal plane at a rate of about five times a minutes. My legs also felt like they were being elevated and lowered in sinusoidal fashion. It made me feel nauseous, but not to a scan-stopping level. Anyway... it's good fun and I recommend the ride to everyone.

Andy's 22nd birthday was on Thursday and we celebrated it as housemates (+Gina) on the Saturday evening. Casanovas, Las Iguanas and the Devonshire Cat were all visited and much fun was had with caterpillar balloons.
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