(no subject)

Apr 08, 2010 22:52



Daniel is a musician

Oh No Desmond and Charlie are in the water again.....

well that ended better.


Eloise and she's married to Widmore, and she knows something, interesting.

Are people getting what they want in the sideways verse, Desmond wanted Widmore's approval, maybe Jack wanted to be a good father, Sawyer wanted to be a good guy (on the right side of the law)???, Daniel wanted to be a musician???????

They're remembering the real world/island world? What's causing it?

Poor Daniel, you're dead in the other world, silly.

Penny's running Jack's steps.

When do we start? Does he want to make the sideways world reality or what?

OMG surprise Sayid!!!

Oh Penny and Desmond are going for coffee, if Juliet and Sawyer don't get their dutch coffee break I will be upset.

UH OH, either both Desmonds are trying to do the same thing or island!Desmond is trying to make sideways verse reality and sideways!Desmond is trying to make the island reality. I do not know.

I was thinking during the week about Eloise and why she would send the six back to the island and I was wondering if she was somehow trying to create the sideways verse where she hadn't killed Daniel. I'm also really wondering why Kate is no longer a candidate, any theories out there.

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