Happy Birthday, rayne_y_daze!

Nov 08, 2006 23:38

(Crossposted to my LJ.) Let's celebrate!

It's no surprise (esp. with a handle like rayne_y_daze) that she enjoys writing about a certain Chaos mage in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer fandom, and though that's definitely not all she writes, let's start there.

To Tell the Truth. Ethan has to answer for his... well, sins are such subjective things, aren't they?

Before the Chaos. Spike/Ethan/Drusilla, pre-series, FRAO. So gorgeous: Delighted with her own joke, Drusilla trailed off in a flurry of giggles that sounded vaguely like Satan had learned to play wind chimes. / Ethan drew a deep breath, forcing a veneer of calm back into place. "My dear lady, I believe you can do as you wish." He swallowed. "But I rather hope you take care not to break your toys?"

There's more Ethan fics (see link to memories below). There's more everybody. :)

Buddy Movies. Wes/Gunn, FRT -- funny, sweet, and very right.

Band Candy, Remix. Giles/Wesley/Joyce, FRAO. rayne_y_daze plays "what if..." with an unusual (and interesting) threesome.

To Hell and Back. Lindsey/Faith, FRT. Oh, I can see this happening... He noticed the hand on his throat first. Next, he noticed the warm weight pressing against him - the body felt too small to be a threat, and yet... "Hey, cowboy. You gonna behave, or do I have to rope ya? Please tell me you won't behave."

Then there's the Niagara!Verse, starring a pairing that, because she writes it so true to the characters, makes more sense than you might think: Xander/Lindsey. Part One is here.

If you check her memories you'll see other fics (BtVS/AtS is not her only fandom, btw) featuring a wide variety of characters and pairings.

rayne_y_daze's creativity also extends to graphic work. I'd say half my uploaded icons were made by her (to say nothing of all the icons tucked away in a folder with her name on it). *points to icon* Yum. See some of her other icons here (Ethan) and here (Spike). That's the tip of the iceberg. Also, check out this (worksafe, and ohhhhh, so pretty) Angel/Xander/Spike manip.

rayne_y_daze has contributed all kinds of work to fannish fundraising efforts. She's also been a mod and a reccer. She's incredibly busy these days IRL, and the unfortunate side effect is that we don't see as much of her virtual presence as we did in the past. But when she does pop in, her flist rises up in joy. She's greatly admired, dearly missed; funny, generous, down-to-earth.

rayne_y_daze was the very first person outside of my then-flist to leave feedback on my first drabble (if you've been on the receiving end of her feedback, you'll understand why this was such a wonderful welcome to fandom). Shortly thereafter, there was mutual friending -- and once we started inspiring each other's plot and icon bunnies, there was no going back. :) Also, her brilliant, detailed beta of one of my fics (via the_fund) has proved far more useful than all the English, creative writing, and editing courses I've taken over the years. So these birthday wishes are also meant as a personal thank-you to her, again, for being exactly the kind of supportive, encouraging fan every newbie should be lucky enough to meet (the irony here is that she was a newbie, too, when we first met -- I had no idea!).

On a fannish level, I think she's really nifty. On a friendly level, I adore her, and wish someone would hurry up and invent teleportation, already. Maybe someday we'll get to meet (and go see RS on stage!).

So, please join in a wee toast for rayne_y_daze. Hope you've had a very happy birthday, lovely lass, and wishing you many, many more. *raises a glass of amber liquid* Slàinte!

icons, ethan, threesome, lindsey/faith. wes/gunn

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