First to wrap up 2011 --
treevillemary and
mkissa have sent out all their blocks, so I want to congratulate all the 2011 swappers on having a year with NO angel blocks!! YAY!! I also want to thank
macbeaner for showing me the ropes and helping run the 2011 swap.
2012 Sign-up is now closed. (Although if you have swapped with us before and have been on vacation for the past 3 weeks - we may be able to make room for you. ;) )
hardhatcat and I think we have a great group of swappers and are looking forward to all your lovely blocks!
I want to encourage everyone to keep working throughout the year. We have two distinct groups of recipients this year a winter/spring and a summer/fall group so please don't flake out come summer and leave all those later people waiting!
aphoenixrain +