
Dec 18, 2010 18:41

Below the cut are photos of the last two blocks I made, for knit_fink and macbeaner, and then the ones I have so far for me. One of my ones is very vaguely not work-safe, although to be honest if you're looking at a smaller picture of all the blocks together, it's not that noticeable.

Last reminder: if you haven't sent my block yet, wait until the new year as the post is now quite thoroughly horrendous.

I've just noticed that aphoenixrain's block, the one with the heart appliquéd, is solid crazy piecing underneath! I love the way she's interpreted the idea, it works at a literal level as well as being a good solid motif which I can use in the embellishment and quilting. If anyone feels like picking up on that subtler apricot fabric she used for the heart, by the way, please do. Don't worry too much about being literal in your interpretations: you're welcome to if you want to (and have the nerve!) but remember that I'll be able to pick out various shapes when I get to embroidery and beading. I still can't quite believe that I'm making this sort of quilt, I must admit, but I also still think it's a great idea!


aphoenixrain - 1 block
missmonnyquilts - 1 block
carilea - 1 block
grain_damaged - 2 blocks
suziecurls - 2 blocks
blueskyeyez - 1 block
kissmary - 1 block
cristalskye - 1 block
mommy09 - 1 block
maydela - 2 blocks
greycat2007 - 1 block
sewinginbison - 1 block
treevillemary - 1 block
clumsy_chord - 1 block
knit_fink - 1 block, made but not yet sent
macbeaner - 1 block, made but not yet sent


aphoenixrain - 1 block
missmonnyquilts -
carilea -
grain_damaged -
suziecurls -
blueskyeyez - 1 block
kissmary - 1 block
cristalskye - 1 block
mommy09 -
maydela - 1 block
greycat2007 -
sewinginbison -
treevillemary - fabric
clumsy_chord -
knit_fink -
macbeaner - fabric

elettaria, macbeaner, knit_fink

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