Thank you for noticing! It wasn't too hard, I was careful when I laid out the pieces to make sure that they matched. I did have to resew one little bit, which for some reason ended up a mm or two out, but apart from that they matched up nicely.
Interesting idea about the medals, any links you could show me? I had been vaguely looking at various spring flowers on Google Image (especially tulips, which I'm now glad I avoided since I see that she already has several tulip blocks from other people), then leafed through a Ruth McDowell book where she was doing various flower designs, and inspiration came to me during a vicious migraine, of all things. I was originally thinking about curvy designs, but decided that I wanted something geometric so that it would fit better with the rest of the blocks. This one is sort of related to a dianthus (pink) and the leaves in between the petals are pinched from McDowell's St John's Wort designs. I have no idea whether there's a flower in existence which actually looks like this! I have to say that I'm impressed at how easily you can make two pieces of fabric look like a leaf if you slant them right (again, easy: I just lined up the stripes with the yellow highlighted line that divided the leaf units from the petal units). As you can see, I was thinking of putting a little horizontal strip across each petal, but decided that the fabric was busy enough already, plus I couldn't really be bothered with sewing ten extra seams.
Interesting idea about the medals, any links you could show me? I had been vaguely looking at various spring flowers on Google Image (especially tulips, which I'm now glad I avoided since I see that she already has several tulip blocks from other people), then leafed through a Ruth McDowell book where she was doing various flower designs, and inspiration came to me during a vicious migraine, of all things. I was originally thinking about curvy designs, but decided that I wanted something geometric so that it would fit better with the rest of the blocks. This one is sort of related to a dianthus (pink) and the leaves in between the petals are pinched from McDowell's St John's Wort designs. I have no idea whether there's a flower in existence which actually looks like this! I have to say that I'm impressed at how easily you can make two pieces of fabric look like a leaf if you slant them right (again, easy: I just lined up the stripes with the yellow highlighted line that divided the leaf units from the petal units). As you can see, I was thinking of putting a little horizontal strip across each petal, but decided that the fabric was busy enough already, plus I couldn't really be bothered with sewing ten extra seams.
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