Sixth Eden

Sep 24, 2011 18:26

[As if the whole incident never happened, Clod finds herself back safe in her own bed in her normal assigned house. She had survived through the sudden zombie outbreak by hiding in various safe houses. None of it could have been done without those generous people who helped defend her along the way. Out of them, the most noble one would be a certain English boy in blue. It's about time she addressed him. If only she knew where he lived.]


There goes another exciting week in Mayfield.

I would like to say just how pleasantly surprised I am after seeing how quickly people mobilized themselves into shelters. The reaction was almost immediate. By the same token, I would like to say how indifferently unsurprised I am after seeing how quickly certain people took advantage of the situation for... oh, I don't know. Some wizard and his zombies broke my brother's cute machine, for example... Then there's the zombie army attacking the hospital.

By the way, is there a... Luke on the other line? I wanted to know how my knight in shining armor was doing.

[Action: Mayfield Elementary]

[This is one of the few rare days where Clod actually bothers coming to school. It wasn't because it was boring. No, even though she had all the memories of her world inside her head, she still found it interesting how differently people interpret facts. ... Especially in this town.

With her bag in hand, she walks off to class and sits in her assigned seat with a bit of a bored look on her face. She had to admit that after all the excitement, while peace should be relished, you had to miss it. ... Not that she would ever enjoy being in that situation again, but the adrenaline is worth the nostalgia.]
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