Third Eden - Droned/Forward dated to Thursday

Aug 17, 2011 19:46

[Good news and bad news. The good news is that the milk delivered to 502 Ricardo St. had nothing inside it. Clod is both physically and mentally healthy. The bad news? The milk was split into two with Pokey so that both of them would suffer the effects.

Now, the rules are that one person has to drink the entire bottle. Since two people drank half...

It's droning time.]

[Action - A]

[You can hear the humming of a little girl as you're walking down the streets. Just across from you, or perhaps you're directly in her path, she's skipping and moving her arms as if she's using a jumprope. She seems fairly content in her own happy little world.

Nothing seems out of the ordinary here. But as she's passing by you...]

Good morning!

[If you notice carefully, it seems as if something sharp came right for your sides.]

[Action - B]

[You might be holding something nice in your hands. It might be a toy, a weapon, something sufficiently shiny, or anything that looks complex. Clod notices it too. She approaches you as you're walking.]

Say, that looks kinda cool! Can I borrow it for just a little bit?

Pleeeaase? My mom says I should always ask nicely if I want something and give back whatever I borrow. You'll get it back! Cross my heart!

[502 Ricardo St.]

[Out in the living room, Clod is sitting on the couches playing with... dolls. They clearly aren't hers. She hasn't been here long enough to regain anything like dolls.

Otherwise, she's quieter today. Happier, even. It doesn't seem as though she notices much of anything else going on around her. She giggles and plays away with the dolls she never had before.]

[OOC: Any competent fighter can probably escape death. A little girl holding a knife shouldn't be much. Clod has no real skill when it comes to attacking others and without her powers, she's... relatively harmless.]

^slugger, ^shana, killdrone, event: cream of the cop, ^arya, still creepy, knifeplay, ^aaron, ^pokey, of being a normal girl, fratricide

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