This reeks of boldness. (House 4.1, "Alone")

Sep 25, 2007 22:46

So, huh. I have this whole list of things I loved-because, as usual, the more Wilson there is in an episode, the more I enjoy it-but there wasn't much to chew on otherwise.

Except maybe this: )

house: commentary: s4

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Comments 23

purridot September 26 2007, 03:10:34 UTC
I love your loved!list above <3

picture Wilson alone in his room arranging the guitar to his satisfaction and snapping Polaroids of it and judging their dramatic impact before selecting just the right one

That sounds... almost a bit pornographic. :D BRING IT ON!

This episode was BLISS to me. I almost feel like I dreamed it. House and Wilson were so unbelievably cute and sexy together, and the show was so witty, and Cameron was so absent. And then tousled!Wilson came on... dear Lord, that is what I want for my birthday next year. PLEASE.

May the season continue in this wondrously happy vein!


bironic September 26 2007, 03:23:39 UTC
dear Lord, that is what I want for my birthday next year. PLEASE.

I'll fight you for him. :D Or maybe we can set up a rotating schedule among LJ fans so we each get some birthday time with him. It's not like he doesn't have the room in his schedule, as he's always so fond of saying in his interviews.

That sounds... almost a bit pornographic.

EXACTLY. Oh and thank you, that was one of the quotes I forgot!


purridot September 26 2007, 03:43:35 UTC
That sounds... almost a bit pornographic.


Especially if you leave out "guitar", as I did when I first read your review. (We are incorrigible tonight, aren't we!)

It was nice to see Wilson's hotel room looking cozier too :D


ahab99 September 26 2007, 03:17:41 UTC
Here's what I don't understand: how is getting lab tests done anything like having his team to talk over the problem? I guess it's only a thing in imaginary!hospital world where lab techs and nurses don't exist??? Because I'm not quite sure how Cuddy expected House to treat the patient without actually, you know, testing his theories.


bironic September 26 2007, 03:21:45 UTC
Yeah, that made no sense; it wasn't like the pathologist (was she the same one who'd succumbed to House's flirtations in some season past?) was helping him the way his team would -- well, except for the part where he always made his team run the tests, too, which, no.


jdr1184 September 26 2007, 03:18:32 UTC
No, wait -- where was the guitar being held hostage?

I bet Wilson hid the guitar in the clinic. House would never look there. :)


bironic September 26 2007, 03:25:36 UTC
Ha! Very possible.


deelaundry September 26 2007, 03:21:03 UTC
Excellent analysis - everything I loved.

- OMG and the deep voice over the teeny fan. - The device was actually a voice modulator, designed for that purpose. You can buy them on the internet. I had noticed it on Wilson's desk in the promo pictures but didn't know what it was.

Wilson is adorable. And gay. But we knew that.


bironic September 26 2007, 03:27:11 UTC
We did, but a little extra evidence -- or a lot, in this case -- never hurts!

Thanks for correcting me on the "fan" he was using; that makes much more sense. Also, yeah, I misread "promo" as "porno" in your comment. Oops. Except, hey, nice place for my brain to be for a minute there.


deelaundry September 26 2007, 03:38:38 UTC
If I have porno pics featuring Wilson and do not share, you have my permission to have me killed. Seriously.

Still so happy about the episode. : )


recrudescence September 26 2007, 03:21:48 UTC
Arrrrgh, I need to see the first nine-tenths of this ep! However, I firmly believe that RSL kept any Tide coupons he might have found and House totally found Wilson's gay porn stash after he made it through the telenovelas.

Cuddy's alone because they totally dropped the plot where she wanted a baby!

Don't. Get. Me. Started. Hoping against hope for some good Cuddy characterization this season here. Or a scene where House, Wilson, and Cuddy hang out in the hotel room, popping antidepressants and lamenting their abandoned plotlines.


bironic September 26 2007, 03:30:07 UTC
*sniff* *sniff* What's that? I think I smell meta-fic. :D

Arrrrgh, I need to see the first nine-tenths of this ep!

You do! And then you need to watch many scenes over and over.

Definitely with you on Wilson snipping coupons (and, ha, totally destroying a complete stranger's fliers while he's in her house illegally) and on House discovering (and possibly pilfering) his porn.

Oh! That reminds me of something I forgot to put in there about Wilson whipping the blanket off the smirking staff guy. *adds*


wihluta September 28 2007, 09:37:21 UTC
Or a scene where House, Wilson, and Cuddy hang out in the hotel room, popping antidepressants and lamenting their abandoned plotlines.
I totally second that!! :-)


recrudescence September 29 2007, 01:58:32 UTC
*laughs* I'm enjoying the fact that you keep popping up and feeding my ego today ('cause tomorrow I'ma take a test and DIE OMG).


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