OMG, I'm too tired to think of a subject line. Pretend there's something clever here.

Sep 14, 2007 15:48

From a fic I read this morning:

[Character A] suppressed a groan of frustration but took the offered hand, letting [Character B] pull them both to their feet and refused the offered hand, glowering as he climbed to his feet.

*blink* I know I've been awake since Oh You've Got To Be Kidding o'clock this morning, but... Huh?

For good fic, try 400% (McKay/Cadman, McKay/Sheppard) or Ophthalmology (McKay/Sheppard, glasses and metaphors!) by kormantic, or The Pegasus Society by iamsab (John/Rodney/Atlantis/math OT4!).

L'shana tova, those of you who celebrated the new year this week. May your next twelve months be sweet, peaceful and productive.

I went to services Wednesday night for the first time in several years, which was... interesting, as communal worship often is to a liberal atheist who appreciates God as a metaphor and doesn't know or like most of the people in the congregation. I spent most of the time watching everyone and thinking, seeing if I could keep pace with the recitations while reading the Hebrew rather than the transliterations, comparing the voices of different soloists in the choir, appreciating the weight of history and tradition behind the rituals, identifying various assumptions in the rabbi's sermon, studying the phrasing of the prayer book passages, etc., and then noticing that I was treating the whole thing as an intellectual exercise, surprise. What works best about a service for me these days is not the comfort of tradition or being swept up in the proceedings (which has yet to happen) but instead the chance to wind down, regain some perspective and ruminate a bit, even if not all of the things I was thinking about were appropriate for a place of worship (you can guess). The songs were the best part, as always; aside from the soloist's haircut, "Avenu Malkeinu" sounded exactly like it did ten years ago, and this time, finally, I managed to remember part of the song that always haunts me the rest of the day, so I can write to our cantor and ask if there's a recording. And by the end, I did feel a little more at peace with the world and had decided on a few ways to treat people, and myself, better in the coming year. Even though it has already mostly worn off.

Then I took the day off yesterday and worked on a story, assembled some cabinets, and watched SGA ("Home") and the second episode of Tim Gunn's Guide to Style (not as good as the premiere). Back at work today, joy.

So, okay. If I manage to finish a story ever again, it could be fun to do one for karaokegal's Come As You're Not Halloween party, where, if you don't already know, we're encouraged to write plots, pairings, genres, fandoms, etc., that aren't "us" (or that we haven't tried before). I don't suppose anyone has suggestions? I'm sort of at a loss as to what might be a fun un-me thing to try. There's that Ali/everyone WIP, but it might not count, since I was going to post it of my own volition before last year's party was announced. I'd love to do a vid (and have two ideas, alas), but just don't have the time.

fic recs: sga

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