In which I make embarrassing requests for porn

Jun 14, 2007 19:51

1. Does anyone know of any, uh, reputable websites that sell, er, gay porn films? In the U.S., preferably, or else possibly Canada? Because tigertrapped wrote this very hot chapter in her Max/Spooks epic (locked for adult material; go ask her to friend you already, what are you waiting for?) and I very much want to see the porn Max and Adam were watching and tigertrapped was kind enough to share the names of the movies and a website to get them from, but it's a UK site, which means (a) expensive with the exchange rate and (b) they don't ship here anyway. I've found many webstores that carry one or more of the movies, but am hesitant to pick one at random.

2. I'm kind of getting into Ronon now in SGA, and have been checking out all the John/Ronon, Rodney/Ronon, Ronon/Rodney/John, Ronon/Rodney/John/Teyla and Ronon/Radek I can find. There isn't enough. (Never enough!) Anyone have any Ronon recs? Slash, het, doesn't matter. There must be good Ronon/Teyla stuff out there; I just haven't looked as hard for it.

Not to ask without also giving. Today, I enjoyed:
3. Relatedly: I'm trying to get synn to warm up to SGA (she's a tough sell, and I like a challenge) and would like to give her a bunch of fic links to try, only she's not overly fond of Sheppard, which knocks out, like, 90% of what's out there. She thinks she might enjoy Ronon/Rodney, or at least she said she can see it. So -- who's got SGA slash fic recs not involving John?

Comments will be screened by default out of deference to people answering #1. I'll automatically unscreen responses to the rest.

fic recs: sga

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