House 3x?: I don’t even know what this episode was called. Bad fan. Bad.

Jan 30, 2007 22:45

RSL: I don’t have very many lines, so I will ham it up with my left eyebrow and sardonic delivery. And wear my super-sexy sweatervest.
HL: You’re only dressing up because you’re worried I’ll stop paying attention to you now that I’ve won all these awards for my brilliant acting talent.
RSL: ...
HL: You do look hot in it, though.

Hey, has anyone ever done an MST of an episode as a review? Like with House and Wilson providing commentary? That could be fun.

Ambivalent about tonight’s ep, in the same way I was ambivalent about “Words and Deeds”--not bad, not top-tier. The different format was way beyond due, so that was very nice, with everyone able to take their time and talk without a diagnostic clock ticking, and no last-minute miracle diagnosis to serve as a conclusion. It shared “Son of Coma Guy”’s focus on conversation and character revelation, only here I had a harder time telling what was profound and what made absolutely no sense. Also, the secondary plot with Cameron and Terminal Lung Cancer Man failed to register emotionally. At all. Felt like a rehash of the time she argued what TLCM was arguing--that if a person dies s/he should be remembered, that someone should care--about the young woman who also had terminal cancer. Eh. I think this would have worked better as a season premiere than a post-Tritter episode, what with the theme of meaning and rationality and House’s somewhat reluctant decision to try to connect with someone. The lovely river setting would have been appropriate then as well.

Not surprised, but still disappointed that after everything they just went through, Wilson and House seem to be back to normal, or what serves as normal for both of them. House may have told him that nothing changed, and so far it seems to be true, but something must have. Something must have.

The funny: The opening, with “Perjurer”/“Felon” and the three latex gloves and the crazy man running around clutching his head (decoy PotW!), and the false-hiccups patient trying to get House to feel him up, and Wilson saying “I don’t want to be you” in the role-playing scenario. And the part where House told Wilson the park was the last place Cuddy would look for him and my sister said, “But Wilson found youuuu!”

The unfunny: The abuse by his father. It certainly sounded as if House had never told anyone until now. In one sense, it’s going to make those moments in “Daddy’s Boy” and “Son of Coma Guy” and whenever else House mentioned his father more poignant and disturbing. In another sense, it’s disappointing to learn about, because it takes the subtlety and ambiguity out of his troubled relationship with his father; his complex no longer arises solely from a clash of personalities and a desire to be right than with lingering fear and animosity for physical abuse. Hm. I won’t say it explains a lot--definitely won’t say “it explains everything,” because we know what that means on the show. We were doing fine analyzing House with all the given information, and this... doesn’t feel like a missing puzzle piece.

Moving on.

Monogrammed handkerchief with blood spot from successfully bribed clinic patient: David Shore’s? (It had “D.S.” stitched on it.)

Foosball makes a comeback! As did a number of echoes from “Damned If You Do”: Cuddy entering a scene with House and Wilson relaxing together and telling him, “You did good”; girl’s/House’s “I don’t want to talk about it”/ “Neither do I”; and talk about whether everything happens to you because it’s God’s will. Very little Chase, again, in an episode where it would have been appropriate for him to be around.

ETA 11 p.m.: You know what was interesting? That when Wilson was trying to convince House to tell the girl the truth, the first (and only) example he gives of House's trauma was the shooting. Not the leg.

ETA Wed.: You know what else I liked? House eliciting three equally plausible explanations from Foreman, Chase and Cameron that "explain everything" and then declaring his own diagnosis. Not only does it feature teacher!House and demonstrate that each of the fellows has learned enough to produce a complicated and obscure diagnosis (albeit with a bit of extra coaxing for Cameron), it also harks back to his conversation with Cuddy in... "Damned If You Do"? that their current diagnosis explains everything, and if it turns out to be wrong, they'll find another one that explains everything. That's one of the great things about his job, about medicine and about the show; just because there's a clear answer at first doesn't mean it's the right clear answer, and with trial and dramatic error they (almost) always (eventually) reach the correct conclusion.

And... I think that’s all for now, folks. Apologies in advance for the expected delay in comment replies and review-reading. To contradict the great philosopher Jagger, time is not on my side.

house: commentary: s3

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