Return of Memoryfest - Day 26/31

Jan 25, 2007 23:07

It hurts not to be able to read and comment and reply during the day and then to (unexpectedly) be out all evening. :( I want to talk to you. I am reduced to skimming the f-list ten minutes before bed and copying everything that looks good into a Word document for tomorrow's reading.

26. Pre-school

My sister and I were sitting on the couch in the family room of our old house, watching early-morning TV. Not cartoons that time, but shows like Marty Stouffer's Wild America, a precursor of the Discovery Channel's nature specials. Whatever program was on that morning involved some kids, none older than pre-teens, in a crashed space ship on some alien planet. One of the girls either passed out and woke up with a strange man--the villain of the episode, I guess--standing over her, or else she had fallen and at the end of the exchange, the man drugged her. Either way, he came across her lying on the ground, and he said, his words drawn out in the best melodramatic fashion, "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" And I think that's when he knocked her out, with some kind of plant or a spray or a spraying plant. It was the first time I'd heard that line.

I wish I knew what show it was. Anyone know of any 80's live action shows featuring kids and space travel?

memoryfest ii

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